A community providing support & inclusion for
Shared Living Clients
and their Providers
Anew Shared Living Providers Mission Statement
Anew Shared Living Providers, Executive Director and owner, Claire Wilkins, has 19 years of personal Shared Living Provider (SLP) experience. It became evident to Claire, that the necessary support for contractors to successfully assist in the direct care of individuals with developmental disabilities, was insufficient, and often lacking altogether. The need to change this reality has spawned Anew Shared Living Providers, whose mission is to raise the common standard by offering impeccable support to all three critical parties; the supported individual, the guardian, and the SLP. If even one of the three members is left unsupported, the other two cannot reach their greatest level of success. Our mission is to not only support all participating parties through state regulated laws, but also to provide a collective pool of skilled Support Staff, allowing SLP’s to receive prompt help, and/or relief. Our Support Staff are trained to care for all individuals within the company, increasing overall relief availability. This provides SLP’s needed time off, as well as the opportunity to regroup, enabling them to continue providing the very best care possible to all individuals within
Anew Shared Living Providers.